Translations:Gholam-Hossein Farnoud/13/en

From Azerbaijanica

Gholam-Hossein Farnoud always described himself as a 'normal teacher', and he was active primarily as a social and cultural activist, holding left-wing political views, but he was not a political activist. The fact remains that he had close relationships with people like Samad Behrangi, who became a symbol of the left-wing movements of the new generation of South Azerbaijani believers after his death, and with other friends who later joined Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas were sufficient grounds for his arrest during the pre-revolutionary period. In spite of this, the situation for him and his friends did not significantly improve following the revolution. A poignant example of the tragedy committed against left-wing activists can be found in the Chain Murders of Iran (1988-98).